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Trouver un correspondant > firefly :
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Date d'inscription : vendredi 19 septembre 2014 à 14:50

Sexe : féminin (44 ans)

Pays : France

Département : Gironde (33)
J'accepte de pouvoir être contactée par les autres membres.

Texte de présentation :

I'm Firefly. My native language is French. I like studying the English language. Although my current level is quite good, I am still trying to improve it. If your native language is English and you like talking about everything and nothing, don't hesitate to contact me! If you are learning French I will try to help you.
I would like to find a language partner. Ideally, an English native speaker who is also learning a foreign language (why not French! ), so that she or he would be aware of the difficulties of learning a foreign language, being patient and making the effort to speak at a reasonable speed with good diction and not using too much slang all at once...

I can talk about anything... I am open-minded! But I don't really like talking about 'heavy topics' such as politics or economics, for example. I am not interested in this kind of thing. I find it rather boring, actually.

My other favourite pastime (apart from learning the English language) is reading - I read a lot! I usually read two novels at a time (one in French and another one in English). I've also started learning Japanese...

I do not mind going shopping - it can be nice... - but I couldn't spend all day doing that! I would rather enjoy chatting quietly, over a cup of coffee or lunch, in a café or a small restaurant... Or anything else equally quiet. I don't mind walking a lot though. I like walking.

I used to go to London three times a year. My favourite places in London were the beautiful British Library and Covent Garden.

If you think you might be my ideal language partner (or close to it), do not hesitate to contact me!


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